In today's era of the Internet media business becomes increasingly globalized. If you normally sell your product or service offline you normally do in your business premises such as shops or through network marketing your business, now you can sell your products or services on the internet using a website that directly boooom ..., your market becomes more widespread, You can reach the entire market of Indonesia market directly or greater to the market throughout the world. Stay you decide, you want the focus to reach the market place.
The bigger the market the better course and the difference between selling your product to the Indonesian market only or to markets around the world are distinguished only by how you deliver your product will be. Goods are shipped the same, only different shipping costs alone, to go abroad you can wear a more expensive shipping costs to buyers.
As a beginning to start with, surely you must have a product or service that can be sold on the internet, then create either a website or online store with a simple sales website. And on the website, you can display products or services you offer with the data as detailed as possible including product photos and specifications.
Photos or pictures of a very important product to sell online to prospective buyers can see what kind of product he will get later, and with a detailed product data, so prospective buyers could decide immediately on the website or do not want to buy on the spot.
Because of the Internet media, without limitation region, then your website could be seen displaying and offering products you can be read by people outside of Indonesia and if your offer is attractive and your products are products which are sought and needed by them, then they can buy products you and make orders on your website. But the problem that arises then is how you can receive payment for your product will sell if there are buyers from abroad and to order your product on the website? The solution now is PayPal.
PayPal is a tool to transact online that accepts payments from credit cards and transfers from other PayPal accounts, PayPal and the good news has reached Indonesia. Indonesian people are able to use PayPal on a full feature. You can accept payments through credit cards from your customers for every sale of products on your website, you can receive or make payments to other PayPal account, you can receive payments from the sale of your product on, and you can ask for the transfer of money from a colleague your business. In a nutshell, PayPal is your online account to trade and receive money online. And the money collected later in the PayPal account you can lighten your bank account throughout Indonesia within 5-7 business days. So you get a dollar from the sale of your product or service and will be converted into rupiah, so you receive the money in your bank account already in the form of rupiah.
In opening an account on, PayPal provides three types of accounts you can choose according to your needs is a personal account, premier account, and business accounts. Personal accounts are used for your individual who intends to use PayPal for online shopping purposes only without intention to sell products online, while for Premier and Business accounts are used for those who wish to use PayPal as a payment instrument in your website sells your products and services on website . Premier and Business accounts to function almost the same, but with the addition of multi-user access functionality that is accessible to a PayPal account for more than one user account when you choose business. Business Account designed for companies, so you open a PayPal account in the name of the company while the premiere of using personal names. To get started you simply by opening a premier account and you can upgrade later.
So in short you need to do to sell your products or services to markets around the world, namely:
1. You have a product or service for sale online.
2. You create a website in the form of an online store or a simple sales website to display your product or service in detail and give your offers to every visitor of your website.
3. You use the PayPal Buy Now button on your website, so prospective buyers can click on the button order and make payment.
4. And after you receive a payment that you can see in your PayPal account, your new ship the product by mail for the physical product and if you sell digital products like software, ebook and others, if possible send it directly via the Internet so that buyers can download it on the website so you do not spend any more shipping costs.
Compounded by the existence of PayPal, in addition you can sell products on your website, you can also sell (put) your product on which is the world's largest auction site, where using paypal as the main tool of trade.
Welcome to Business on the Internet with PayPal!
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