Showing posts with label Gratisan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gratisan. Show all posts

14 June 2010

Tips - Trik Change Layout Facebook

2 komentar

Yes, this time I will share tips tricks to change the layout of Facebook. Namely with Yontoo applications. As is known, the default view tends minimalist Facebook, background color variations of blue plus white. But do not worry, for those who want to display its FB-crowded and more generally colored like Friendster layouts, now has a solution.
1. Log in to check your Facebook.
2. Install aplikasi Yontoo.


3.In the meantime there are two choices of new browsers, namely Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Select one of your regular use.
4. Appear term & service, klik "Accept & continue"
5. click "Start Install"
6. click "Install now"
7. If the installation is complete, restart Firefox. Then click Continue, and then "Go To PageRage Facebook Apps".
8. Quite a lot of layout options based on themes such as Fine Art, Cute / Love, Retro, etc.. Specify your choice, then click "Select".

9. Done. After that, go to your FB profile. Jreeeeng ... pretty much finished. Like my new look this facebook.
Oya, if FB was already wearing the new layout and want to change the layout again how? The trick, login first, then on the menu 'setting' (located in the upper right) choose 'setting application', then choose 'PageRage Super Profile', then choose layoutnya and click 'select'.

sumber: ini

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13 June 2010


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Nitro PDF Professional is commercial software for creating and editing portable document format (PDF) files. The product is intended for the professional market and runs on Windows PCs. The base software features include creating PDFs from over 300 file types; viewing, searching and printing PDFs; drag and drop PDF creation; convert PDFs to Microsoft Word; combining into one PDF; reviewing documents with text notes, stamps, drawings, and markup tools; fill, save and submit PDF forms; edit and insert text, images, and objects; perform advanced image editing and document assembly; design PDF forms; generate bookmarks, hyperlinks, and Bates numbering. The software contains a system printer driver for 'Printing To PDF'.
The software supports the current Adobe Acrobat open PDF specification.
Nitro PDF Professional is available for download on time-limited trial from the Nitro website. The company also supplies the widely used freeware PDF creator, PrimoPDF and freeware PDF converters, PDF to Word and PDF to Excel.

Download Here : Click

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26 February 2009

Gadget Gratis dari Xpango

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Saya baru dapat info menarik nie..
Baru-baru ini sebuah perusahaan besar sedang bagi - bagi gadget gratis..!!
Klik atau copy paste di browser link dibawah ini untuk memulainya :

Sobat blogger tinggal daftar terus pilih gadget yang sobat mau, kemudian ntar dikasih kredit yang dibutuhkan untuk mendapat gadget tersebut cara depetin kredit, ajak temen sobat untuk daftar dibawah referall kamu maka kamu dapat 1 kredit (1 orang temen = 1 Kredit), Jadi misal kalau kamu mau HP Nokia N95 kredit 37 maka kamu harus cari temen yang daftar di referrall kamu sebanyak 37 buat HP gratisan masa nggak pada mau sih..!!


Langsung aja klik atau copy paste  link dibawah ini :

Saya juga dapat tutorial untuk mendapatkan credit di Xpango buat depetin gadget gratiss.. jadi kamu harus baca ini klik atau copy paste link ini di browser kamu :

Jadi cepet baca terus dapetin HP Impian kamu..!! OK selamat berburu HP Gratis..!!

(Setelah Membaca Sangat Disarankan Memberi Komentar..Thanks)

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07 February 2009

Download Software Untuk Anda

1 komentar

Bagi teman-teman yang suka bermain bisnis di internet namun kurang ahli atau tidak mempunyai skill yang mencukupi, Don't Worry friends...!!!! Saya akan berikan secara cuma-cuma untuk anda sebagai software pendukung kinerja anda untuk menjalankan bisnis anda...!!!! Tapi jangan Lupa untuk berbagi kepada saudara anda yang membutuhkan software pendukung ini...So,saya harap teman-teman dapat merekomendasikan atau mempromosikan blog ini agar teman-teman kita yang belum mengetahui sehingga bisa mendapatkan sama dengan apa yang teman-teman dapatkan.

  Download Gratis Untuk Anda :

1. Pengirim Iklan Massal Klik here
2. Hacking E-gold Spawn klik here
3. percepat Download klik here
4. Hacking Billing Warnet klik here
5. Robot Forex Trading klik Here
6. Autoclicker PTC klik here
7. Pencari Dollar klik here
8. Yahoo antiSpam klik here

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