In recent months, nine devices using Android mobile operating system Google has announced, including Motorola Cliq market that began in November and Samsung Moment announced recently at the CTIA Fall trade show in 2009 in San Diego California.
A number of officially announced Android devices, including some who dirumorkan is under construction. "We saw a lot of interest in Android," said Kim Titus, spokesman for Samsung which was introduced two handsets, Google Android, Sony Ericsson and Samsung Behold Moment II.
"I think this device has a chance to be crossing the device for business customers or ordinary consumers." U.S. wireless operators have also jumped into the Google Android train.
So far, only the smallest of the four service operators, T-Mobile to offer Android device. After the launch of Motorola and Samsung Cliq Bold II, T-Mobile will offer four different Google Android handsets.
But T-Mobile is no longer the only operator in the U.S. that offer Android. Starting next week, Sprint Nextel will introduce the first Android phone, HTC Hero. A few weeks later on 1 November, will begin selling a new Moment Samsung just announced.
Verizon Wireless, the largest U.S. wireless operators will also have two new Google Android phone in the coming weeks. Verizon executives did not explain the specific device, but one of them from Motorola.
Even AT & T, the largest wireless service provider both in the United States and the exclusive seller of the iPhone will also soon have a Google Android phone. Wall Street Journal also reports that states reduce the AT & T will soon offer phone with Google Android Dell.
Android handset makers see as their greatest hope to be able to compete with Apple iPhone and Research In Motion (RIM) BlackBerry smartphone in the market. Both Apple and RIM to develop their own software which is proprietary hardware just for them.
Meanwhile, like Google's Android operating system, Microsoft Windows Mobile also can be used in a variety of different hardware. Although Microsoft struggling to stay abreast of changing mobile market fast, but some device makers, like Motorola's Android prefer.
But that does not mean Microsoft will be thrown from the game quickly.
The company recently announced Windows Mobile 6.5 last week, although experts, like Bonnie Cha of CNET believes that upgrading to a larger improvement will not occur until next year.
Meanwhile, continued growth momentum in favor of Google's Android phone. Google introduced the development of an open Android operating system in the fall of 2007. It took one year before the first Android phone introduced by HTC G1 T-Mobile service.
Android now ready to explode on the second anniversary, which is far from the predicted flood announcement Android device. It's proven. Nokia, Motorola, LG and HTC have announced several Google Android devices.
Even mobile phone maker Sony Ericsson and Nokia, which has historically built the phone using the Symbian operating system, is also rumored to be making Android handsets. This operating system even attract companies that traditionally are not in the phone business, such as laptop makers Lenovo and Dell and China's Huawei telecommunications equipment.
However, Google Android has a shortage. Although able to provide the strength to compete with the iPhone, consumers will be difficult to distinguish the products from various vendors. So far, the device has been announced that Android looks very similar.
Most of the big screen having a certain model that takes almost the entire face of the phone. Some, such as Motorola and Samsung Cliq Moment, also has a QWERTY keypad that slides out.
But the spokesman denied it was Samsung. Titus said there are differences in hardware. For example, Samsung Moment using bright OLED screen makes images sharper and more vibrant colors. "But when you have a screen that takes so many phone body, will look somewhat similar," he said.
So far, developers have created more than 10,000 applications for Google Android devices. This application can be accessed through Google's Android Market. Big developers, such as Facebook, have begun to develop specific applications Android. Motorola even announced a series of new applications available for Cliq including Accuweather, Barnes & Noble eReader, MySpace, and QuickOffice.
But as a new tool introduced in different operator networks, interesting to see if the Android applications will work. If yes then it could encourage more Android devices.
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